are you afraid of t...
By lili_angie_104
  • Romance
  • areyouafraidofthedark
  • connorsteven
  • gabbylewis
  • howlingmovie
  • teenwolf
  • werewolfhybrid


Connor and Gabby had been together since day one, but it wasn't until they were both in high school that they realized their feelings for each other went beyond friendship. One night, while walking home from a Halloween party, Connor confessed his feelings to Gabby, and they shared their first kiss under the streetlights. From then on, they were inseparable, spending every spare moment together. As they grew older, their relationship deepened, and they became each other's rock. They stood by each other through thick and thin, supporting each other in everything they did. Connor was always there for Gabby when she needed him, whether it was helping her with her schoolwork or just being a shoulder to cry on. And Gabby was always there for Connor, encouraging him to pursue his dreams and supporting him through his toughest times. As they graduated and went off to college and going to the military then they got married and then they have three kids together Elizabeth Jessica and Jordan.

senior year of high school/Connor and Gabby met in science class

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are you a...
by lili_angie_104