Retired Female Supp...
By Xiaoshuo_
  • Romance
  • cnmtl
  • femaleprotagonist
  • interstellar
  • live
  • villain


Xie Fei transmigrated as a retired female supporting role, and was thrown into the interstellar villain prison by her fiancé. The three major interstellar villains are locked inside, and it is difficult to get out alive after entering. Goubi's fiancé is waiting for her to kneel down and beg for mercy, the best family members want to see her being torn to pieces by the villains! However, Xie Fei, who holds the patriotic education system in her hand, gave education classes to the three villains in the prison, educating them to be good villains, love the country, love the world, and love the people. Summary of the education institute's study, all the villains sat in a circle. Villain No. 1 will cause the interstellar financial market to collapse in the future: "Xie Fei taught me that if a young man is strong, the country will be strong. If the people rule, the country will be safe. If the country prospers, the small family will prosper. I will lead the people of Star X to the road to prosperity." Villain No. 2, will become the strongest rebel general in the future, leading troops to slaughter the interstellar: "Xie Fei taught me how to be a moral rebel... Oh no, exercise well, keep fit, and become a general who will win glory for X star in the future !" After everyone finished speaking, Qi Qi looked at the young man who was sitting in the shadow of the corner and would become the strongest villain boss in the interstellar world: "Zeng Yao, what have you learned?" The young man raised his handsome face, showing a frightening tenderness. Smile: "Feifei taught me how to love." The villains: "..." Title: 退婚流女配掉进反派窝 | Retired Female Supporting Girl Falls into the Villain's Nest Author: 萱草妖花 NOT MINE CR: AUTHOR MTL


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Retired F...
by Xiaoshuo_