My Beloved Hajime
By Ilovexiao369
  • Fanfiction
  • danganronpaship
  • fanfiction
  • hajime
  • hajimexnagito
  • hajimexnagitosmut
  • lemons
  • nagito
  • nagitoxhajime
  • nagitoxhajimesmut


This story is about how 2 hot ass guys that are name Hajime Hinata and Nagito Komeada, they are also from an amazing series called Danganronpa. (btw I don't support the series I just think it's amazing) This fan fiction is based off the series and also has 1 character that I added cause why not that is named Sasaki. He was named after one of my favorite Bl animes call Sasaki to Miyono. It's a very amazing series I recommend it so much. Anyways, this story has different chapters and some chapters are not gonna be based of the game, it's gonna just be an AU. Ok so also this is for more mature audiences cause this has sexual themes, gore related shit, and profanity. If you are not ok with that then I suggest that you don't read this. The art on the covers is also not mine I have no idea who the artists are but they are sure damn talented as fuck, if your an artist of one of the covers then please teach me how to draw. Also just to let you know it also contains disturbing topics to, Also I just wanna ask you guys to please come and chat and be friends with me. I'm looking for some online friends, all ages are fine as long as your not like fucking 7 or 67 or something cause if that's the case then no I'm not really ok with that but yeah. I'll put my discord name and # in the chapter after the first one.Ok that's all bye, make sure to enjoy the fan fiction.

Chapter 1:The Cottage

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My Belove...
by Ilovexiao369