-This is the Second Book in the Descendants Series- It's been 6 months since they arrived in Auradon. Only a few months after King Ben of Auradon had declared Y/N to be the up and coming Queen of the Isle and declared Mal as his girlfriend. Since then, the paparazzi have been swarming the sisters in their daily lives as they try to continue it in Auradon. The pressure gets higher as the girls deal with the stresses, all while trying to please their loved ones. Back in the Isle, news of their happy lives and Y/N's new position infuriates the current most feared gang on the streets. Uma, daughter of Ursula and Y/N's ex, Harry, son of Captain Hook and Mal's ex. and Gil, son of Gaston, the pirate gang plot for revenge as they long to rule the world, no matter the cost. Story Started: 18th Dec 2022 Story Finished: 30th Dec 2022
-Chapter 1: Ways to be Wicked-