The Time I became Q...
By senddowntheangels
  • Fanfiction
  • complete
  • fanfiction
  • kakashi
  • naruto
  • shikamaru
  • teamseven


Remaking! Sayuri (Lily) Mika(Beautiful fragrance) Mi( Beauty)-Kimi(Noble) Hoshi(Star) Hatake (Field) was her name or for short Sayuri. She was the princess of the Hideyoshi Kingdom where she and her Grandfather King Hiroko lived. Her mother was once queen but died giving birth to Sayuri leaving her grandfather to stay as king and to take care of the small child. When Sayuri was a small child the kingdom, that was powerful, was ambushed, killing hundreds of innocent people, including the King. With King Hiroko's last breathe he told Sayuri to run to Konoha the Village Hidden in the Leaves where her father stayed. Leaving the name of Queen Sayuri Mika- Mi- Kimi Hoshi Hatake behind in her lost kingdom she starts off to the Leaf village as Haji(Disgrace) Hatake.

Prologue: The Day Sayuri Became Queen

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The Time...
by senddowntheangels