World Witches: Arct...
By not_canteria
  • Action
  • action
  • alternatehistory
  • anime
  • bravewitches
  • military
  • scifi
  • strikewitches
  • war
  • worldwitches


May 9th, 2042; The day after the end of World War Three and the surrender of Germania, which was analogously named the 5th Reich, as officially designated by the Organization of Nations. On this day, crowds filled the streets of every major city worldwide, celebrating the elimination of the greatest threat to the existence of the human race. However, while parties and crowds gathered in two of the three major cities in New Canteria, namely Okha and Vladivostok, the third major city, Arnket, was undergoing decontamination due to the radiation caused by a German nuclear strike in early May as it had resulted in a large crater and an engineered radioactive toxic rain cloud. Aside from that though it seemed as if all would go swimmingly for humanity. Until an alien race named the Neuroi appeared. The date is June 9th, 2042. A full month after the surrender of Germania and a week after the Mecklenburg-Vorpommen massacre. As New Canteria was receiving flak from the Organization of Nations, a sudden disturbance was detected by a Canadian satellite as a mysterious black cloud arose from the North Pole. However the Canadian government paid no mind to it. The last mistake they would make as it was them. They struck down on humanity like a thunderbolt in their most vulnerable moments as the North Canadian forces in the area were almost destroyed from the Neuroi attack, driving thousands and eventually millions from their homes in a attempt to escape the Neuroi. However the human race wouldn't go down without a fight. Mobilizing troops freed up from the end of WW3, the ON and a new organization named NORDEN (NHDA) made a successful resistance against the Neuroi and drove them back to the North Pole. However what they found next would have news of it reverberate across the world. A wormhole to a universe still fighting the Neuroi. (Note: I do not own the World Witches series and all media relating to it.)

(OLD) Prologue: Beginnings and Ice Cold Vengeance

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World Wit...
by not_canteria