The Weight Of Blood
By MontyShae
  • Romance
  • aegontargaryen
  • aemondtargaryen
  • alicenthightower
  • daemontargaryen
  • harwinstrong
  • houseofthedragon
  • jacaerysvelaryon
  • lucerysvelaryon
  • ottohightower
  • rhaenyratargaryen
  • viserystargaryen


Alyssa Targaryen is the eldest daughter of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower. When they were at Dragonstone for Laena Velaryon's funeral and her younger brother, Aemond claimed her dragon, he got hurt and lost his eye. When everyone was distracted she decided to run away. She quickly went to her dragon, Scatha and flew away. She flew far away before she came across a farm where she meets a man and his family. She told them who she was and they took her in and treated her like a part of the family. But the man's wife decides to change her hair color to match theirs only leaving white bits in her hair. She marries the oldest son, Alfred Creed whom she has several kids with. When Alfred's father dies they take over the farm. But what happens when someone realizes that Alyssa is still alive? "Where's Alyssa?" Alicent asks out loud and everyone looked around not seeing the princess. That's when they heard a sad roar coming from several dragons. They rush outside to see the dragons surrounding something. They get through to see a burned body pass recognition. That's when Alicent lets out a big cry that hurts everyone's hearts. "No!!!" Alicent wails.

Alyssa Targaryen

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The Weigh...
by MontyShae