GATE: The Hammer An...
By stevenwn1
  • Fanfiction
  • alternatehistory
  • communism
  • gate
  • redarmy
  • soviet
  • ussr


(Before we start would like to know that I do NOT support the USSR or it's leaders (except Mikhail Gorbachev) so please do not take this seriously as it is an alternate version of the USSR.) A mysterious ancient looking Gate appeared in Red Square, Moscow sometime in the 21st century. From the Gate pours out monsters, knights from middle-age Europe, and other fantasy-like beings, and they began a systematic slaughter of the citizens of the Soviet Capital and lay siege on the Kremlin. For the first time since the end of the Patriotic War, the streets of The USSR became a battlefield. It was because of this their very own unrestrained arrogance The Empire of Sadera immediately sought to claim the exotic lands beyond the other side of the Gate. But would be shown just how inferior their own military truly was. Once the Red Army mobilized, the battle became a massacre. The unprovoked attack on Soviet soil not seen since Operation Barbarossa would be known as the "Red Square Incident" In retaliation from this the Soviet Government sends the Red Army to the alternate world beyond the Gate. Thus beginning the Soviet-Saderan War. We will follow certain groups of people from both the nations of Earth and the kingdom's of Falmart to set the stage for the bloodiest conflict Falmart has ever seen.

Chapter 1: The Red Bear Awakens

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GATE: The...
by stevenwn1