My opposite - a sto...
By NickyHerStory
  • Fanfiction
  • elsa
  • elsaofarendelle
  • fifthspirit
  • frozen
  • frozenfanfiction
  • giveelsaagirlfriend
  • lesbian
  • lesbianfiction
  • northuldra
  • snowflake
  • snowqueen
  • spirit


Elsa always wondered if there was someone else with magical powers. One day everything changes when she meets Elidi, but their meeting is anything but easy. Elidi seems to be the opposite of Elsa according to their powers and has absolutely no control over her magic. Elidi lives isolated and doesn't want Elsa in her life because she's afraid of hurting or even killing someone. As the women start to know each other a bit, a strong connection grows between them and they become really close. Their powers seem to connect very well. Then troubles start to appear in the climate. Nature seems to be completely out of balance and a volcanic is waiting to erupt in the Black Mountain. The eruption would mean the destroy of at least the homes of the trolls and the village where Elidi grew up. Elsa feels she needs to find out how to stop the threats of nature. When she discovers how to protect the world from natural disasters, it put the strong bond she has with Elidi at risk. Their powers turn against each other and it leads to a gigantic fight. Is Elsa able to stop the uncontrollable powers of Elidi? And will Elidi be open to face her origin before it is too late? *Forgive me, English is not my native language, so there might be some grammatical mistakes...

Chapter 1

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My opposi...
by NickyHerStory