Monster Slayer'...
By Teresa35810
  • Romance
  • biker
  • love
  • texttospeech


Monster Slayer's MC Book 4 Circuit never chased women. He didn't have to because they were always chasing him. He rarely went to bed alone when the sweet butts were in the clubhouse and sometimes he had more than one join him for a night of fun but lately, it wasn't as satisfying or "fun" anymore. He wanted what some of his brothers had found. A woman of his own! Circuit entered the bar to give Hunter and Boomer the good news, that Rooster and the others were coming home in the next day or two. He still had a few things to wrap up in his office and then he could come back and enjoy a beer or two with them but when he turned around to leave, his eyes fell on a sight that stopped him dead in his tracks. "Who the hell is that? DAMN, she's fine." he thought to himself. He really wanted to go talk to her but he had just a couple things that had to be done so he hurried back to his office and prayed she would still be there when he got back. Claire has been running from her father's MC, the Cobra's, for two years now. Ever since the night she overheard her Uncle Bull saying that she was going to be 18 soon and then their legal obligation to take care of her would be over and that he was going to make her a pass around. Scared out of her mind, Claire tells her aunt she's going to the library to study for a big upcoming test and sneaks out to her friend, Mindy's house. By the end of the day, Mindy had helped her dye her hair, loaned her some clothes so no one would recognize her, empty her sad savings account and then took her to the bus stop. But was she really free? Every time she thought she was safe, they turned up and she was off and running again.

MSMC Bk 4 - Disclaimer

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Monster S...
by Teresa35810