Letters to Love
By kungFUChiKen
  • Romance
  • romance
  • texttospeech
  • ya
  • yaromance
  • young


This novelita follows the inner feelings of a young writer who is experiencing love in a different light for the first time. This is accomplished through a series of letters written to 'Love' by the writer (the main character, I suppose). 'Love' in this context has been personified by the writer and is the "person" that is being written to. The first segment of letters will unravel what this writer feels love is supposed to be; how it's supposed to feel, look, sound, etc. As the letters progress the writer will encounter a series of different potential 'Loves' all of the ups and downs of new sparks and different relationships or potential relationships will be documented in these letters by the writer. The writer will discover that love isn't all that the media makes it out to be, there is excitement and fireworks but they aren't 'grand'. In the final segment of letters 'My Love' is declared and the recipient will then be a person rather than a personified feeling. 'My Love' is one of the potential relationships introduced previously. The goal of this novelita is to capture what it is like to fall in love as a young person. These letters capture how the writer thinks love should be experienced. Throughout these letters the writer is typically in tune emotionally as well as spiritually. Creating a different and more personal experience, after all they are personal letters.


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Letters t...
by kungFUChiKen