Sonic The Hedgehog:...
By WishieAlice33
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • family
  • knucklestheechidna
  • manic
  • siblings
  • song
  • soniahedgehog
  • sonicmovie
  • sonicthehedgehog
  • tailsthefox
  • twins


Sequel of the reunion of three friends and I watched Sonic The Hedgehog 2 so this will be different: (In this story sort of Manic is 2 or 3 years older than Sonic and Sonia 'who are twins in this story') Once Sonic is happy with both his friends Knuckles, Tails and his childhood Rika and Grey-Sky things calmed down. But things got bad when someone is trying to kill Knuckles but for what reason? But there's something more to Sonic than Sonic himself or anyone else thinks. Then a dude named Shawn 'who had a obsession for Sonic and two others' and after a power of the lost pharaohs. Things got really mixed up when Robotnik and Agent Stone gets help from Sleet and Dingo 'a couple of hunters and enemies of the agency of the Feminine. Crime.Figthing.Agency. Or for short, F.C.F.A. Though the F.C.F.A. most stealthy agent is none other than Sonia 'Sonics long lost older twin sister'. What is this whole crazy thing about and what is the reason for Knuckles being targeted?

Prologue - A Hot Topic chat

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Sonic The...
by WishieAlice33