What Hides Beneath...
By IssiaHermosa
  • Fantasy
  • collaboration
  • dark
  • darkfairytale
  • darkside
  • fairytale
  • fantasy
  • mysterious
  • princess
  • rapunzel
  • revenge
  • wicked


TO BE PUBLISHED UNDER PAPERINK PUBLISHING HOUSE The princess of the kingdom Andalasia was loved by everyone because she was like Rapunzel who is known to be the classic sweet and lovely girl with magical golden hair. Until a severe illness struck the little princess named Persinette. In order to cure her illness the whole kingdom searched for the magical flower that could heal the princess with just a drop of its juice. Everyone rejoiced when the princess was totally healed and healthy once again. Years passed by and her parents noticed something about her growing hair, she was in pain every time they attempted to cut it. Then one incident happened that became the worst nightmare of the whole kingdom. The little sweet and lovely girl Persinette became a Medusa-like monster and she was feared by everyone. She was locked and abandoned in the lonely tower away from the castle. She's no Rapunzel, her hair doesn't glow nor heals every wound but causes pain or worse, death. Feeling abandoned she became the monster she was talked-taled about, everyone who dares to enter her tower, coincidently or not her serpent looking monster under her hair will eat them alive and bones will be buried beneath the tower. - - - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©IssiaHermosa

What Hides Beneath The Tower

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What Hide...
by IssiaHermosa