I am nevermore (Xa...
By skylenderlmao
  • Mystery / Thriller
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My name is Raven Nevermore. No I'm not related to Edgar Allen Poe but I so happy to be a witch/psychic, medium. And my last name just so happens to be Nevermore. I am being transferred to nevermore because at my last school they couldn't handle me. I dont think this school with either but we shall see. I would like to call myself artist but i don't think being able to draw a person who's gonna die next is any fun. This boy Xavier it my student guide around the school. I share a room with a girl named Bianca i head she's a siren. I do have to say Xavier is quite charming but no one can know that.Please learn more about this and me by reading this book "I am Nevermore".

Chapter 1

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I am neve...
by skylenderlmao