...Loki was the Eld...
By Panchild19
  • Adventure
  • darcylewis
  • eldest
  • firegiants
  • frigga
  • funtowrite
  • hopefullyfunny
  • humor
  • loki
  • odin
  • thor


What if Loki was adopted from Jotunhiem before Thor was conceived? Loki would be the first born heir and Thor would be the second prince. Odin told Loki of his adoption, but neglected to tell Thor, who would not have taken it well. Essentially, Thor is a mix of himself and Loki from 'Thor' while Loki is mostly himself but without all the trauma. Warriors Three and Lady Sif aren't either of their friends, they just come along sometimes. The Jotuns aren't the enemy here. This is also appart of 2 seperate series. A What If type of series so that's why it will be in another book in one chapter once this is done. It is also appart of a series that will be about more than just the first Thor movie being changed.

Just here

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...Loki w...
by Panchild19