The wings of an Ang...
By SeneTisViola
  • Short Story
  • britishempire
  • congresspoland
  • countryhuman
  • countryhumans
  • countryhumansau
  • countryhumansfanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • france
  • frenchrepublic
  • history
  • oneshot
  • poland
  • russia
  • russianempire
  • toxic
  • toxicrelationship
  • uk
  • çh


(NOT MY ART) A brief recollection and foreshadowing of what was to happen in the future. The Russian Empire throws a party full of all kinds of guests, including the British Empire and the French Republic. During the party, he decides to show off one of his war trophies. Everyone is delighted, some say they are fake. But one particular person doesn't like what RE has done. Congress Poland is disgusted, furious, and... considers this an insult to be humiliating. After the party, Congress Poland stays longer, by order of the Russian Empire. As CP looks at the display case, RE approaches him. The men get into an argument, causing Poland to do something that anyone else in his position would immediately regret. His actions and words remind Russia of who his cousin is. What kind of person is he? Poland makes him realize one thing that evening, that he experienced years ago. "After all, betrayal from the person closest to you hurts the most, doesn't it?"

How dare him...

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The wings...
by SeneTisViola