Teammates (a Starga...
By ilikecarousels
  • Fanfiction
  • anthropology
  • archaeology
  • armenia
  • culturalanthropology
  • danieljackson
  • experiments
  • fanfiction
  • scifi
  • sg-1
  • stargate
  • stargate-sg1
  • stargatefanfiction
  • stargatesg1
  • urartu


Step into a world beyond the stars, where cultures collide and secrets unravel. Dr. Zaragoza, a seasoned cultural anthropologist and the SGC's newest research analyst, finds herself plucked from the concrete-walled offices of Cheyenne Mountain into a realm of interstellar exploration. Summoned by the legendary Dr. Daniel Jackson, she is temporarily enlisted as a member of SG-1, embarking on a daring mission to an uncharted planet. Their destination holds a breathtaking surprise for the scholar in Zaragoza: a civilization that mirrors the Urartians, who come from the Near East during the Iron Age. The Urartians also happen to be Dr. Zaragoza's field of expertise. As she immerses herself in her research on the ground and finds a kindred spirit in the relentlessly curious Dr. Jackson, she and her newfound team journey deeper into the heart of this alien world. But their mission takes a perilous turn when they bear witness to a shocking act - the ruthless murder of a noble family member. Caught at the crossroads of duty and conscience, the two scientists must grapple with an agonizing dilemma. Should they uphold their mission's neutrality, observing from the shadows? Or dare to intervene, potentially altering the course of an entire civilization's fate? As alliances form and tensions escalate, loyalties are tested and secrets darker than the void of space come to light. Join Dr. Zaragoza and SG-1 as they navigate this treacherous terrain, where the past mingles with the future, and the choices they make will resonate across galaxies. // This fanfic is my exercise on viewing a TV show with a closer cultural lens, based on my experience taking introductory courses on cultural anthropology and archaeology, and studying history. I've also been fascinated by the world of academia, so that trickles down into this story. I try to be a realist when I write, but still, I hope you enjoy it. (Cover credit: art-by-sable on Tumblr)

1: Lunch Buddies

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by ilikecarousels