Seventeen | ✔️
By brynnbunker
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • boardingschool
  • coffee
  • disaster
  • dissociative
  • drama
  • law
  • lovable
  • love
  • murder
  • psycho-thriller
  • psychoanalysis
  • psycotic
  • studen
  • student
  • teacher
  • teenromance
  • thriller


Harrison Woods is a 17-year-old girl attending Arbor Coast High, a boarding school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her dark past including her rocky relationship with her parents and her esteemed older brother's suicide are the reasons she landed herself at Arbor Coast, far away from her family. All she wants from her junior year is to have a good time and stay out of any drama. But when Harrison meets a mysterious, charming, and good-looking man at a coffee shop, she's in for deep drama, as she soon discovers the man to be her English teacher, Otto Landry. Unable to restrain themselves around each other, Harrison and Otto start seeing each other secretly and their intense chemistry drives them to fall deeply in love with each other and fast. But when something happens that causes Otto to disappear for weeks, Harrison is left confused, and with tons of unanswered questions. Including an incredibly dark secret that Otto has been harboring, putting their already questionable relationship in an even more twisted place. *Content Warning + Disclaimer: This story deals with matters of grooming, wide age gaps, mental illness and talks of suicide, violent acts, and mature themes. Please be advised before reading. This story serves as an example of how far grooming can go, and the unfair imbalance in power dynamic between a much older man, versus a younger woman. Please do not read this book if you are sensitive to such topics.

Part One

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by brynnbunker