Sector 2
By streboreillim
  • Science Fiction
  • angst
  • assassin
  • district
  • dystopian
  • faction
  • femaleprotagonist
  • future
  • futuristic
  • gore
  • gun
  • mexico
  • pyramid
  • return
  • romance
  • sci-fi
  • scifi
  • sector
  • sequel
  • tech
  • trauma


Ai, once known as the platinum-haired assassin, makes her return in this (long - in Taylor's words) awaited sequel of growth and realisation. Upon the recent events of the previous chapter, Ai unexpectedly finds herself in a "glide" of Sector 2 (YAYAYAYYA), the Mexican city of colour and flight. Following her escape from her anonymous captors, Ai is finally freed from her blood-lustful duties and can spend time with Jonathan. But the unexplained reason for her arrival in Sector 2 continues to gnaw at her conscience. The result of her paranoia brings her face-to-face with startingly familiar faces. Once more is Ai thrust into treacherous situations when all she wanted was a lull in the bloody havoc. During her time away from Sector 10, will she finally be able to heal from her tragic past? Or will the perils of the new Sector send her deeper into the abyss of misery?

Chapter 1

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Sector 2
by streboreillim