Patient 1102
By darkskin-13
  • Action
  • abuse
  • action
  • blackwoman
  • experience
  • experiment
  • family
  • friendship
  • humanexperimentation
  • kids
  • love
  • mental
  • mother
  • murder
  • power
  • psychopath
  • school
  • science-fantasy
  • scifi


From inside a small corner in the alley, I watched the two elementary children walk past. The older brother one was pissed, most likely from an issue in school. The younger brother one was oblivious to his anger and ranted about his day as he trailed the older one. "I even saw mommy today!" The little exclaimed happily. His adorably huge smile was quite contagious, but unfortunately the older one didn't catch the sweetness of it. The older child abruptly stopped walking and turned around, he dreadfully looked at his younger brother in question. "You saw mommy?" The younger brother eagerly nodded. In a swift second the older brother pushed his younger brother, having him fall onto the ground. His bottom met the hard ground and within seconds his wails echoed the alleyway. "Mommy is dead!! She's dead! Stop saying-" "You shouldn't have done that." I calmly said as I intervened. Stepping out of corner that I had hid within, I showed my figure to the boys. Yet my face remained in the dark shadows of the alleyway. The older brother glared at me, beyond pissed now. "This doesn't concern you. Leave us alone, that's my first and only warning to you." Funny. His little intimation act doesn't scare me off easily, actually nothing scares me off anymore. I took my hands out of my pocket and kneeled down, then I opened my arms wide and awaited for the younger brother to come. "Come to mommy, Ant." I softly said to the weeping child. As his instincts took over, he stood up and ran straight into my open arms. My hand went to pat his back, while the other played with his hair. "Don't be afraid, I'll handle Zain's attitude." I cooed to my child as his cries died down to whimpers. "Let go of my brother." Zain lowly said I stood up, taking Ant up with me, a smiled ran across my face as I looked directly at Zain. "Or what?" "...or I'll kill you, impostor." This is a Sequel to "Her Return"

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by darkskin-13