Believe In Angelina
By Lunatic_Princess_66
  • Fanfiction


Seth Rollins has turned his back on Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Angelina Bryan. Seth always had a soft spot for Angelina and tried to talk to her but she isn't interested. Angelina is fully on the side of her boyfriend, Dean Ambrose, and her best friend, Roman Reigns. When Seth drove Dean's skull into a pile of cinder blocks, Angelina did everything to get her revenge on Seth Rollins with the help of Roman Reigns. During all of this, she was an emotional rampage. Having not hearing from her boyfriend since his said disappearance. Roman Reigns took care of her during this time. What happens when the missing lunatic fringe is tested by Seth Rollins and The Authority targeting the love of his life, Angelina Bryan? Will he let them hurt her? Or will he save her?

Angelina Bryan

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Believe I...
by Lunatic_Princess_66