Two rival kingdoms, the elven kingdom (Elynlond) and the kingdom of the unseen (Dollmolor) break into war, over an ancient conflict which takes the lives of many in the first world (Stratos). So, the Elven King (Eldrind) banishes the leader of the unseen (Zaos) to stop the warfare with the help of the fates. Centuries pass, no word of the unseen attacking the elf's...until news breaks out! Zaos is coming to power again through his followers who were left powerless centuries ago, but now seek revenge for the power which they lost. The elven kingdom has no hope but for Princess Rosaniya to help defeat the evil which once cast over Stratos. Due to the gift from the fates, Eldrind has to pay a price. In return for the exile of Zaos, King Eldrind's first born would have to face this evil centuries later. Would it be revenge that brings her to him? Love? Or sin?