Orange Eyes, Red Gl...
By ohshxtookspook
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • fic
  • looselybased
  • lovehaterelationship
  • ocs
  • rhiott
  • romance
  • sans
  • sansxoc
  • spicy
  • spinoff
  • storysmut
  • ufsans
  • underfellsans
  • undertale
  • zero


NSFW disclaimer!! Proceed at your own will. Yes, I am the author of that one Drarry fic that dropped off like four years ago, and if enough people harass me kindly abt it, the answer is MAYBE. For all the Underfell Sans fans... none of this is going to be canonically acurrate. I apologize for that, if you'd like more content that's more accurate, let me know! For now, I'm going off of basic character design of him, and also someone I know irl who has a fictive of him. So, there's that! Plot scheme: Sans in this story goes by Red, and third-person perspective as well as all others refer to him that way! OC is AFAB, goes by the name Zero or Rhiott, depending on which frame of mind they're in. Overall they use they/them pronouns, but it depends the same way. Zero is more they/them, Rhiott is more she/her. Zero lives in a world where monsters have finally made themselves known... though they aren't all that scary. Not to them at least, a half-human hybrid who raised themself. Most of the people left on Earth are, statistically speaking, human. They live, breed, and die rapidly. Zero barely notices anyone anymore, though, human or monster. Never has, and is intent to never start. Rhiott lives in the same world as Zero, the same body alongside that. It can be complex, but they find ways to make it work. She is everything that Zero rejects, fire, wild impulse, and following emotion. She hasn't cared deeply for anyone, but at least she cares enough to say hello... and maybe share a bedroll for a night... or two.... right? Red is new. At least to Zero and Rhiott, who have never let their eyes become caught on anyone too long, and in Zero's case, at all. Rhiott vehemently claims it all to be curiosity and lust, plain and simple. Zero finds it all disturbing, and is sure the strange skeleton boy has ill intentions. Only time will tell who's right, if anyone at all.

Zero - "That One Idiot With The Sword"

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Orange Ey...
by ohshxtookspook