The Parado_x
By Sollmen
  • Fantasy
  • andgoeatsomething
  • confusion
  • drinkwater
  • fantasy
  • howareyounotboredyet
  • idontevenknowwhatimdoing
  • iliketurtles
  • likeseroiuslythisiswaytoomanytags
  • original
  • originalcharacter
  • pleasehelpme
  • whatamidoingwithmylife
  • whathasmylifecometo
  • whatsgoingon
  • whyamidoingthis
  • whyareyoureadingthis
  • whyareyoustillhere
  • whydoeswattpadwantmetousethismanytags


With The Parado_x being a whole unbreakable reality, there's conflict bound to happen. This time tho, it's not started by The king of the largest nation, but rather by a grumpy god in the position of a general, lying to his own king. With his death coming closer and closer each second, a soldier uncovers the truth about this war and tries to bring it to light to save his, and his closest alive friend's life, while trying to survive the ongoing war between The king and the god he has trusted his whole life. Will he and his friend finaly stop this conflict and be shown mercy, or will they be marked as traitors by their god and die on the on the battlefield? With the news of this war slowly but surely getting to the ears of The shadow kingdom's royals, how soon will the unstable god recieve his punishment? Does anyone even deserve what's happening to them? Will our questions ever be answered? _____________________ Sorry for any of the grammar mistakes, english is not my first language, but even then my english teacher would be shaking her head at this. If you find any grammar mistakes please do feel free to comment and correct me and i will edit it. Here's some things to know: ∆•∆•∆•∆ =POV switch <------+------> =time skip I will probably edit this later on. Hope you enjoy! :]

The Parado_x war

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The Parad...
by Sollmen