lab rats:bionic boy...
By bebe12344
  • Fanfiction
  • adamdavenport
  • bionic
  • lovestory
  • smuttyfanfic


me and Leo have been best friends since you were three. My parents travel a lot for their work and don't want me to be alone so i often stayed with Leo and Tasha. i now technically live with them so when Tasha married a super rich scientist and moved into his home i got dragged along for the ride. my name is EJ and i've had a secret my whole life. I am bionic. The only people ho know outside my family are Tasha and Leo, So when me and my best friend discovered 3 bionic teenagers in our basement, i realize i was not alone and neither were they. Here is the story of how i fell in love with one of the bionic teenagers me and my best friends found in our basement. Still in progress (i pretty much stick to the plot of the show, there are little parts that i added or changed a little.)


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lab rats:...
by bebe12344