When a Man Enters t...
By Floorestijn
  • Fanfiction
  • breddy
  • brettxeddy
  • brettyang
  • eddychen
  • tsv
  • twoset
  • twosetviolin


2 Dec 2020: Brett is coping with an illness of body and brain. His body is much better now, but why is he still so lethargic? This is my story of what happened that last month of 2020. It starts somber, but knowing me being a sucker for good endings, everything will be alright. Right? My first Breddy fanfic!! SNFW will be marked, there will be at the end. You can read the story without those chapters. Please comment and/or star if you like it? Note: I'm not a doctor. So any diagnoses made are imaginative. Mind: Brett and Eddy are there own persons. They may or may not be together, it's up to them, not to me/us. I hope they are happy the way they are and are not to offended by my stories. This is just a figure of my imagination. They are too damn sexy together for me not to think about it.

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When a Ma...
by Floorestijn