Another Fire Child
By Fishlover6
  • Adventure
  • anotherfirechild
  • calidajames
  • fire
  • flame
  • leovaldez


I ran through the dark ally ways of New York City. I hear the monsters running faster, I ran faster. While looking back I saw the hydra I put out my hands and aimed at her. Fire shot out of my fingertips and burned the hydra. That's not the only thing I burned. The fire caught on wooden boxes and spread faster and faster. The hydra disappeared only spreading more fire. Soon the fire was on the building. I ran so fast I thought I was going to pass out. I heard a fire truck and hid behind a parked car. I ran again before they could see me. I ran until I saw a hill with a big pine tree on it. I walked, out of breath, up the hill and finally saw a camp. Finally at home.

Calida (Cali) James

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Another F...
by Fishlover6