love bites
By NeverlandsAngel61
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • bite
  • friends
  • love
  • mate
  • packs


Jace moaned trying to remember what had happened the night before. He remembered he had shifted, how could he not have, his head hurt like a bitch and he had woken naked in the middle of a freaking field. He stumbled into his cabin and headed for the shower. The hot water eased the aches he felt over every inch of his body. He placed his hands against the wall facing the spray he let his head fall back and closed his eyes. The image of a beautiful girl filled his mind and he smiled, Her white blonde hair flowed gently in the breeze full long lasses hiding the deep blue of her eyes The gentle curve of her nose, her full lush lips He wanted to taste her smell her soft summer scent. Jace moaned. Blocking her from his mind he guided his thought to trying to remember what had happened the night before. He hated changing for the full moon it was one of the few times he had little to no recollection of what he did while in his shift form. The girl filled his thoughts again This time she fought against him fear in her eyes. He watched her throw her arm out blocking him, She shouted at him to get away. Jace tensed as realization hit him. he had bitten her.

Chapter 1

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love bites
by NeverlandsAngel61