TBATE: Art and Tess...
By IMSLiGamer
  • Fanfiction
  • aether
  • artandtessssecondchance
  • arthur
  • artxtess
  • fanfiction
  • regis
  • sylvie
  • tbate
  • tessia
  • thebeginningaftertheend


After Arthur and Regis bring back Sylvie and Tess, they fight there way through Alacrya and Epheotus. They put an end to their enemies but at the cost of all life. Fate was not what anyone expected. Aether was powerful but it could not bring back all the dead or restore continents that have been obliterated. Realizing this, they decided to take a gamble. Arthur had a plan, to launched himself, Tess, Sylvie, and the very majestic Regis back to the past! Will they be able to save their loved ones and stop the destruction of the entire world? I do not own The Beginning After the End and the right goes to the also Majestic Af Turtleme. If you haven't (I don't know why you're here) then go read the original! I definitely know I'm not the first to have and idea like this but I wanted to put my own spin on things. A warning, this ff will definitely feature an op version of Art and Tess. I don't want this ff to be depressing but I will throw in sad moments where appropriate to keep it interesting! Also if it was not obvious this will be an ArtxTess sorry not sorry! I love all ships, except artxsylvie you degenerates. (You know who you are...)

Introduction (not a chapter sorry)

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TBATE: Ar...
by IMSLiGamer