The story of a good-willed young boy Zackeus Hunter, with a mission to change the world, and follow his father's footsteps in becoming a knight in the Kingdom of Altea. The path of a traumatized young boy Jirell, with a burning desire to seek revenge. The journey of a strong-headed young girl Lea, with a determination to ascend beyond the norms of her era, and become the first female knight/dame in the Kingdom of Altea. Fate allows these three to meet when their paths converge at the Altean Knighthood Academy, but little do they know. Unknown forces lurked in the shadows, plotting the reawakening of an ancient enemy long forgotten from the memories of mankind. A being of destruction that will stand in the way of them reaching their goals, much less having a world to live in. The world will need another savior, but who will it be this time? Highest Rankings: #1 in Combat