Falling to Pieces (...
By Vaniva123
  • Fanfiction
  • calder
  • depression
  • eleanor
  • harry
  • hate
  • louis
  • love
  • scars
  • school
  • styles
  • tears
  • tomlinson


An american teenager that was used to be called “little sunshine” for being happy all the time when she was younger, now she is just called “sunshine”. Everyone thinks she is happy but in the inside she is more far away from happiness than any other human being. Were all of her smiles and laughs all pretend? She was about to turn her back to the world that she used to love when she was little, like it did to her. Nobody really cared about her, so why would she do it? Finally all her pain was going to end, until she met someone that caught her attention and made her want to breathe a little longer. Is she still going to end her life? Will all the pain go away?

Chapter 01 - New Beginning

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Falling t...
by Vaniva123