It Takes Two, Inuya...
By Whitewolfspirit29
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • friendship
  • inuyasha
  • kagome
  • love
  • miroku
  • moroha
  • parenttrapping
  • rini
  • sailormoon
  • sango
  • serena
  • sesshomarou


So, Moroha is in a sticky situation with her father getting remarried to a new female that her Uncle Sesshomarou and His wife Rin found for her. her mother died when she was 2 years old. Kagome died from an illness that just wasn't able to be cured at the time. So now 14-year-old Moroha is ready to fight against the evil stepmom to be, or the woman he's supposedly to be wedded too. But when she gets angry and runs away. She runs into someone else who is a lot like her. Rini or small lady as she goes by to some. She and her mother helped to take care of the kids who don't have parents over in the next village camp where Kagome's last project was made before she died. Inuyasha never could bring himself to come back to his old summer home where he made memories with his wife and daughter. But now, after all these years, he's returned. These two clever girls were about to create their own version of a parent trap. Rini and Moroha agreed and used Rini's magical wand to turn the other one into the other one. Into each other when others looked at them, they saw who they thought they were looking at. Rini would pertain to be Moroha, and Moroha would pertain to be Rini. Alongside the new mission, Moroha begins to have feelings towards Lady Serena as her new mother. Rini liked the idea of making Inuyasha her new dad. So, they both agreed to set them both up together. and create an impossible task. So, let's begin.

Explaining the opening of what it's about.

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It Takes...
by Whitewolfspirit29