Westend validator s...
By node858
  • Poetry
  • kusama
  • validator
  • westend
  • western


We're excited to announce that we've just released a snapshot of the upcoming Westnd validator! This validator will allow users to validate their Westnd transactions without having to run a full node, making it much easier for everyone to participate in the network. The Westend validator set is now final and these addresses will be the validators until the next snapshot is taken. "The Westnd Foundation is excited to take this snapshot of the Westnd validator set and move one step closer to the launch of the Westnd testnet. We would like to remind all potential validators to register their validator keys with the Foundation by April 30th in order to be included in the snapshot." If you're a validator, make sure you're registered and included in the snapshot so you can participate in the Westnd testnet! web: https://www.1kvnode.com/snapshot

Westend validator snapshot

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Westend v...
by node858