By _zaid_06
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Winning // I sometimes question our ability to always decide that people are doing better than us and winning in life whenever they're doing something that we aren't. It could literally be the dumbest thing ever and not even make any sense but to us it does because we are not doing it. And everytime we are about to fall into the pits of despair, we push ourselves down even further by associating our situation with that of other people. "Oh they're always hanging out with friends and making all sorts of plans meanwhile I don't go out a lot, my parents are strict, I have other stuff that doesn't seem to leave me with much of free time" This must be the reason why I am a disappointment and will probably never win in life. "Oh they have this hobby that they're so passionate about and me not having the same interest is probably the reason why I won't ever be as happy as they are" This must be the reason why I won't ever win in life. & tons of other example. Because of people like this, we discourage our present, past, and future selves. We think of these people as better than us when they're not. We don't see life from their point of view. We don't know the people and lifestyles they're idealising and obsessing over to discourage and disregard theirs. We don't see that nobody is actually winning in life. We all have rough and smooth patches. We all have good and bad days and that's normal. My point is that just because you see someone chilling in a garden full of roses doesn't mean you'll enjoy it as well. There is a possibility that you might be allergic to roses, like me, and wouldn't be able to breathe. دُور کے ڈھول سُہانے ہوتے ہیں Don't be so harsh on yourself. Your life is perfect the way it is, let me tell you that. I am hella sure a lot of you think my life is as well when there are days I feel suffocated by it. It's okay to feel that way but do not idealise someone just because they're doing something that you aren't.

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by _zaid_06