Scarlet Blaze: The...
By ChickinNomget
  • Fantasy
  • 3rdperson
  • bloodandgore
  • conflict
  • edelclaude
  • edelgard
  • edelgardxclaude
  • fanfiction
  • fantasy
  • fe3h
  • fireemblem
  • medievalwarfare
  • threehopes
  • threehouses
  • war


After the defeat of Rhea and Thales, the Adrestian Empire prepares for battle with Dimitri and The Kingdom in one final confrontation. At the capital of Fhirdiad, the fate of Fodlan will be decided as thousands prepare for the last battle of the war. This is a Fe: 3 Hopes ending rewrite for Edelgard's route, within which Byleth and 2 blue lions were recruited. Full of heavy moments, bloody battles, and a more satisfying conclusion this story aims to take the sudden and rushed ending of 3 Hopes and turn it into what it was destined to be. Huge thank you to Jake Necroix for editing and Bobby M. for commissioning the cover art. Much Love to the both of you!

Prologue: A Friend's Plea

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Scarlet B...
by ChickinNomget