The Little Witch of...
By Hiioromi
  • Romance
  • butler
  • lady
  • lord
  • obsession
  • suggestive
  • unfinished


i had a thought after reading a bunch of isekai webtoons. The ML is usually the crown prince or magician. we don't get enough butlers. i need more butlers!!! so anyway, this is unfinished cause i ran out of steam. setting is a regression of the lord/lady and his butler. OG story plot was the "Witch" is the villain, latching onto the crown prince and getting in the way. ofc dies by burning at the hands of the sub male lead. butler dies with him, soothing him until they perish. *time reversal, regression happens?* and the Witch's new obsession is her butler... i had a very strange backstory for the Witch, like how as a kid he replaced the daughter of the duke and the butler knew his true idenity from the beginning. very messy, but enjoy! feel free to imagine what happens next! lol

butler x lord/lady

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The Littl...
by Hiioromi