Fixing The Times
By Eyedot101
  • Fantasy
  • adversity
  • evil
  • fantasy
  • gay
  • rich
  • romance
  • traveling
  • world


A romance, adventure, fantasy book all in one. 100 ago an evil sorcerer took over the world. Because of this, one side of the world is always day, and the other always night. Everyone assumes he is planning something horrible since he hasn't been seen in 50 years. 4 girl best friends from the side of the world that is always day, decide to put an end to the worry. They travel far and wide to the side of the world that is always dark. Halfway there they find 4 guy best friends that are attempting to do the same thing. Each side of the world hasn't gotten along much because of a war that happened around 70 years ago. Now there are separate rulers for the day and night side. The friends team up and decide to put an end to this together. Will they be able to save the world and put a stop to this Sorcerer?

Prologue: The Beginning of the Curse: Knox

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Fixing Th...
by Eyedot101