Why me? (Finney Bla...
By chaewon-ation
  • Romance
  • bruceyamada
  • crush
  • donna
  • enemiestolovers
  • finneyblake
  • mason
  • masonthames
  • robin
  • robinarellano
  • tbp
  • theblackphone


(warning) this story it is cringe i made it in like 2021 and when i was literally so obsessed with mason thames and tbp i unpublished it the re published it a while later. (also i'm not editing this cause if i did i would end up changing the whole plot and storyline plus it's effort) so read at ur own will 😭 37K READS!? TY THIS IS UNREAL ILY ALL SM πŸ’•πŸ«ΆπŸ» PLEASE don't be a ghost reader I LOVE reading comments so yh comment and vote πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’• Enemies to lovers (cause it's just elite) so y/n is rlly popular being probably the prettiest girl in school and all the boys fall for her, except one. A/n So this is finney x reader so u will be y/n (your name) and the rest of the characters at the same but I will make it clear on the first chapter! Enjoy it might be abit bad i've had writers block and haven't wrote in awhile πŸ˜­πŸ™

A/N ( pls read πŸ™ )

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Why me? (...
by chaewon-ation