Library of Death
By BlueDuck394
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • mystery
  • paranormal


Micheal and William are two young boys who live in a town where nothing happens. No murders, no kidnapping. Nobody goes missing and nothing newsworthy or that anybody outside the town knows what's going on. Marissa is fresh out of high school and new to the town, looking for a quiet place to open her library. But when people start disappearing, it looks as if Marissa's to blame. Nobody believes her when she says she has nothing to do with it. Some say the library is haunted, others say it's some supernatural thing, others believe that James killed his family and then took his own life. But the truth lies in the books and in the walls...can they find it? Set in 1921 TRIGGERS - Murder - Scuicide - Swearing - Assult For those who have not read the tale of the Juniper Tree by the brothers Grimm, I suggest you read it now because it will come in handy to know for this story.

Chapter One - Man aquired

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Library o...
by BlueDuck394