History - Bucky Bar...
By Heartst0pp3d
  • Fanfiction
  • bucky
  • buckybarnes
  • captainamerica
  • jamesbarnes
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  • marvelfanfic
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  • sebastian
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  • tfatws
  • thefalconandthewintersoldier
  • thefirstavenger
  • thewintersoldier
  • wintersoldier


That was the last conversation I had with Steve. If I had known it would be the last I would've said more. I would've told him I loved him, I would've told him to be careful, I would've fought for him to stay knowing he wouldn't. Once again I'm left there frozen. It's funny isn't it, I've spent most of my life in a blur. Always feeling lost. I always had Steve or Bucky to pull me out but not anymore. They're both gone. Everything that made me, me. I'm left alone. It's been a few hours since Peggy told me about Steve. I couldn't tell you the day or the time. Judging by the lack of light outside I assume it's around 2-3am. I refuse to believe I've lost them both. I can't. I won't. Steve could've very well have survived the crash. He's a super soldier, I mean he can't get drunk for god sakes. They'll all think I'm crazy or delusional, In denial. I have to do this on my own.

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by Heartst0pp3d