What's Our Rel...
By sidneetxrhea
  • Fanfiction
  • abhinavi
  • bestfriends
  • brothers
  • couple
  • family
  • jaireem
  • love
  • marriage
  • mom
  • romance
  • sidneet
  • sidshek
  • sisters
  • vaishneet


Welcome!! Welcome!! Welcome!! Welcome to my Thrid FF.. ' What's our Relation? ' Soo.. what is our relation?? A writer and reader relation?? Or friends?? Or people belonging to the same fandom so family?? What's our relation?? Similarly, what's their relation?? Now who is this 'their'? They are a boy and a girl.. a boy and a girl who are known to eachother since their childhood.. their families were friends from long before they were born... These two young people developed such a great bond that they both were eachother's life.. they were the best of friends... Now you'll tell, that the ff name is solved.. they are bestfriends.. and that's their relation.. but what if, i tell you that one of them falls for the other?? Will they still be called bestfriends?? Or will they be called lovers?? Or will it be a one sided lover?? Or will they be termed as family friends only?? Or if that one person confesses, then will they become strangers?? Strangers with memories or will they be called a successful couple?? What if the other doesn't replicate this feelings?? Will they still be called bestfriends or will their bond change?? Come and join them in their journey to see if they become lovers or strangers.. Your writer Rhea #WORxrhea #sidneet #abhinavi #sidneetxff


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by sidneetxrhea