Shipped Away To Mur...
By RishDaFish
  • Horror
  • island
  • murder
  • orphanage


A girl by the name of Leah Smith who is 13 gets shipped to an orphanage , her parents had both died, and no one had any contact of any relatives. But death doesn't stop there. Triggers!! mentions of: knifes, blood, strangling i'll be adding more as the story goes on since this is an ongoing story! Started: 18 February 2022! Finished:?? ongoing! If you do read this story, I hope you have a great day! This is the first story me and my 2 classmates have decided to publish! (by 2 deciding I mean me and the person who created the idea of this story aka my friend Amber! Amber, me and another classmate, Charles have been writing this! :]) I will be adding the drawn cover for this when the cover is completely finished!

CHAPTER 1 The introduction

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Shipped A...
by RishDaFish