The Vigilante Shadow
By loner576
  • Fanfiction
  • abusedizuku
  • abusiveinko
  • cats
  • dadzawa
  • deku
  • erasurehead
  • izukumidoriya
  • mha
  • myheroacademia
  • shotaaizawa
  • vigilanteizuku
  • voices


In this au Aizawa and Inko got married. After a year of being married they were having problems for some time and decided to get divorced for the best. After a few weeks, Inko found out she was pregnant but she didn't tell Aizawa. After giving birth she was happy her son looked like her but she wasn't happy that he was related to Aizawa but still took care of him. She named the baby Izuku (obviously 🙄). Inko's bestfriend Mitsuki Bakugou had a son named Katsuki Bakugou, him and Izuku were childhood friends and promised each other they would be there for each other and become the number 1 hero duo (or something like that, can't remember 😅). When Izuku was 4 they went to the quirk doctor (Izuku still doesn't know he was related to Aizawa). Once they were there they checked his quirk. The doctor told Inko to step outside and once she was out the doctor told Izuku he had multiple quirks and the main one was called Shadow (I'll explain the rest in the story or chapter) and that he had to keep his quirks a secret from everyone even his mother. The doctor told Inko Izuku was quirkless. Katsuki abandoned Izuku after he was told Izuku was "quirkless" and bullied him. Inko abused him 24/7 cause she thought he was useless (poor Izu 😥). When Izuku was 10 he ran away and became the no.1 vigilante Shadow (who was always being chased by Erasurehead). Will Izuku forgive them for what they did? How would Izuku react when he finds out he's related to Erasurehead? Read to find out! Ohayo! (no, I do not speak Japanese... I would love to though) Hope y'all would love this story! (no I am not energetic at all) Well enjoy the story!

How It All Started

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The Vigil...
by loner576