That Bad Boy &...
By TheClosetLibrarian
  • Short Story
  • brothers
  • completed
  • love
  • mafia
  • sequel
  • short
  • shortstory
  • steelebrothers


That Bad Boy Leo doesn't pretend to be anything he's not, but a chance encounter with a quiet librarian has him hot under the collar. He's used to beautiful women throwing themselves at him but she is the only woman he has ever been unable to forget. He knows she's special and he's not going to let her get away. That Bad Man Dom is being groomed to take on more work from his father, making him a formidable foe to most people who approach him but when a young woman storms his office accusing him of crimes he definitely didn't commit he is both annoyed and intrigued. He needs to get to the bottom of her accusations and that means keeping her close, very close and before long he realises this is one that cannot get away. You met Viridian cousins in The Steele Brothers, this is their stories.

That Bad Boy - 1. Leo

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That Bad...
by TheClosetLibrarian