Where the current t...
By DinoNuggies1692
  • Romance
  • anger
  • desire
  • devotion
  • love
  • romance
  • sadness


Where the current takes us is a story of sadness, struggles, and most importantly, it is about love. It is about two people, Lyra and Oakley, who are both deeply connected to the river. Therefore, deeply connected to each other. They first met at the river that runs through their small town when Lyra was just turning 8 and Oakley was 9. Such young ages and yet already so in love and full of devotion. Oakley swore to protect Lyra no matter what. And he will keep his promise forever. They boldly stated that they would both stay in Pineview forever. But, plans change when Lyra moves two towns away at the age of 15 and Oakley goes off to college a few years later at 19. Now, ages 20 and 21, Lyra sells her apartment and Oakley drops out of college. Why? Because they are following the current.

Becoming Acquainted

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Where the...
by DinoNuggies1692