Challenge Accepted
By Ivefalleninlove
  • Teen Fiction
  • alcohol
  • badboy
  • challenge
  • cheating
  • drugs
  • love
  • secrets


Aurora Black is 5 foot 4 with black curly hair, green eyes and freckles. She is every man perfect girl, big bust, skinny waist and big ass. The perfect hourglass. But she doesn't want any guy's affections. She is strong willed, she doesn't take crap from anyone and she certainly doesn't need a boyfriend. Ashton Murphy is a 6 foot 6 giant compared to Aurora. He has dirty blond hair, deep blue eyes and permanent smirk plastered on his face. He has girls throwing themselves at him shamelessly. He has the attention off all the girls. He has had all the girls. Well all except one, Aurora. So they make a deal. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "I challenge you to ignore me every time I hit on you." He smirks at me and outstretches his hand. I lean backward on my elbows and bite my lip. "And what do I get if I win" I ask cautiously. "I will leave you alone, but if I win and you cave. I get to have sex with you." "What does caving entail?" I smirk. This is becoming a habit. "You kiss me, consentingly and you enjoy it." "Hmm, challenge accepted." He grins brightly at me. Why do I feel like I just made a huge mistake?

Chapter 1

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by Ivefalleninlove