Supernatural Unknown
By Just_another_acount
  • Fantasy
  • aquarius
  • aries
  • cancer
  • capricorn
  • cliche
  • fiction
  • gemini
  • leo
  • libra
  • pisces
  • sagguitarius
  • scorpio
  • supernatural
  • taurus
  • unknown
  • virgo
  • zodiac


Sometimes, there are things that are just too strange to be a coincidence. Sometimes, no matter how normal life seems to be, the smallest differences that sets one apart from the others could lead to a whole new world which exists outside the norm. Having a birthmark of my star sign, as if my body knew its date of birth even before I took my first breath, is not a coincidence. And being able to see the stars in pure daylight is not normal. I should've known, but it took me seventeen years and an unknown country to realize that I was different. That I'm part of something beyond this world, something that's been around since the dawn of time. Since the first of the human race were made. Now it's up to me and the others of my kind, to solve a mystery given to us by an unknown force, that might be the end of time if we were to fail. To think, that in a world where vampires, werewolves, witches, mermaids, and countless other mythological creatures are believed to exist, that there others out there that are unknown. ---------------------- If you decide to give my story a go, then thank you for doing so and I hope you enjoy. P.s. Please don't plagiarize my work as I've spent literally years trying to put it together. Thank you!

A Town in the Middle of the Ocean

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by Just_another_acount