The Tales of an Ill...
By Takeyama76
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • desert
  • fantasy
  • karisiwaki
  • mysterious
  • thriller


"Once an outcast, always an outcast." For most of his life, a teenaged boy found himself standing in the boundaries between the spirits and the living for long as he could ever remember. People always looked up to him as the one who's eyes had been blessed by the Sage of Truth, who could see spirits that have yet to pass on. Restless, mournful, and remorseful spirits. His world was forever changed from the moment he was granted the Perception Magic, and now lingers in the barriers of between life and death. Hearing the voices of the souls, and seeing what others could not. A burden he must carry with him, as he goes to live on with the friend he is accompanied by. Who is strangely enough, an outcast shunned out by others. Together with the two, they face their troubles worth as a mischievous duo in the vast deserts of Novis whereas they become involved in the sinister schemes of the Black Market Merchants. Dive into the personal story of Karis Iwaki in his rebellious phrase, set in Lurezic City, the Savanna Kingdom of Novis.


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The Tales...
by Takeyama76