NaraSeth: A Histori...
By areweslee
  • Historical Fiction
  • ancientromance
  • apomile
  • aponattawin
  • beoncloud
  • forbiddenromance
  • historic
  • historicalfiction
  • historicallgbtfiction
  • historicromance
  • indianauthors
  • kinnporsche
  • lgbt
  • malexmale
  • manxman
  • mileapo
  • milephakphum
  • naraseth
  • royalfamily
  • royalpalace
  • thaibl
  • thailand
  • thewattys
  • thewattys2023


Ancient Thailand,1630, Ayuthhaya Kingdom. Amidst widespread political turmoil, the cruel and infamous King Thasit Phong sets his eyes on Narathip, a dancer who had just joined his group of palace performers. Narathip forms a close bond with Ayuseth a musician skilled in playing the taphone. Inspired by the Mile Apo movie (Mansuang) announced by Be On Cloud. Content inspired from the history of King Prasat Thong of the Prasat Thong Dynasty who ruled Ayutthaya Kingdom from 1629 to 1656. No offence intended. This is a work of fiction only inspired from parts of history. All information on Thai history has been obtained through research. If anyone spots a culturally offensive or historically inaccurate incident in the book, please leave a comment highlighting the same. I would be more than happy to rectify. MileApo- Nara-Seth BibleBuild- Thasit-Naga Thank you. Happy reading!

Character Intro/Chapter Summary

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by areweslee