By MiniTeddyBearrr
  • Fanfiction
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  • aleatriscan
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  • aliceleywin
  • arthur
  • arthurleywin
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  • thebeginningaftertheend
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  • varay
  • varayaurae


Knowledge is a curse. Choices are a burden. And living can be a sin. After an unsuccessful attempt at death, Arthur is given another chance to rewrite history and ultimately defy - or destroy - his own destiny. Lost in the labyrinth of a bygone era, he is greeted by the sight of his previous failures and past mistakes, both of which remind him of what he stands to lose and the perils that lie ahead. With danger looming around every corner, Arthur must carefully navigate the hazardous maze teeming with threats and hostility. A single misstep will spell disaster as the fate of the world rests solely upon his shoulders. He must operate behind the shadows in order to unify the citizens of Dicathen and destabilize the tyrannical reign of the Vritra in Alacrya. All before his enemies and allies are aware of his existence. But all things come at a cost, and someone must be willing to pay the price. However heavy that price may be... Part 3 of Silent Requiem Editor: Infinity Cover: @tezy8art

Preface & Acknowledgments

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by MiniTeddyBearrr